Friday, October 7, 2011

Listening Challenges

Every one of us, have our own weaknesses when it comes to listening and hearing what the speaker’s telling us. But we, people don’t only have weaknesses, we also have strengths in hearing and listening people’s messages. But what is the difference between listening and hearing? Well, the only difference is that when you hear something, you don’t want to understand what the speaker’s telling you or simply you are not interested on what you are talking about. Well, of course listening have a big difference in hearing, because when you listen to somebody, it simply means that you are interested in what you both are talking about. Well, maybe you are wondering why am I talking this things to you, it’s because it’s our assignment in our EnglOne class and we are about to write what are our weaknesses and strengths when it comes to listening.
Honestly, I am not good in Evaluating and responding to the speaker, because I feel shy when I am about to tell him/her what I really want to say about the topic specially if my comment is not good. So that means that I can easily understand what the speaker is talking about but I cannot show him/her that I understand him/her because I cannot comment on what he/she was talking about because I feel shy. But sometimes when the environment is noisy like when my co students are noisy, I’m easily distracted,  and it affects my concentration to understand and remember what the lesson is all about. So that means that I have problems in all of the stages of listening process because I can be easily distracted by a noisy environment.
Listening is not just listening or hearing to the speaker, because you should also understand, respond, remember and evaluate what the topic is, to show that you really listen to the speaker. So I should solve my problems in listening to be a good communicator. I should improve my confidence so that I can respond to the speaker and I won’t feel shy anymore. I should also focus more on the speaker especially if the environment is noisy and destructive. 


  1. Good luck on the road to self-improvement as a listener/communicator. Thanks for that honest post. :)
